Proud papa Hrithik says, `It feels wonderful. I never thought fatherhood the second time would be so special, so exhilarating. I can`t take my eyes off the baby. He is soooooooo beautiful.`
Hrithik who is already a dad to son Hrehaan was hoping for a girl this time, Earlier, before the baby came, I did want a girl this time, yes. To complete the family picture! But the minute I saw my new baby`s face I was as content as I could be.. In fact he has already had his first photo-session. The entire family of about 35 people except my dad is here. So we all gathered around the baby and the photographer went click click click. He seemed to really enjoy it.`
The dotting father is still to decide about a name for his newborn son, “Right now we haven`t thought of any particular name. We`re just so happy to see him healthy and happy. Both mom and child are fine.”
Bollywood Celebden congratulates Hrithik and Suzanne for their newborn son.
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