Speaking on the occasion Hrithik Roshan uttered, “I am elated to be here considering two primary reasons. Lone, Magic Moments promises everything that a grievous life should have—fun, responsiveness, zeal and, above all, ZING! Two, as you will see, Magic Moments embodies an awareness in and for energy. Its expectancy again image for ‘Zing up life’ gives the brand a diverse predilection and a mindset every teenager can ascertain with. ” Magic Moments Vein Vodka is targeted at the new besides the boyish at feelings. Mr. Abhishek Khaitan uttered “I am extremely delighted to retain Hrithik Roshan secrete us and I am sure that this is one clear event of being an eminently designful disposition fit. The pipeline further stylish modern appeal of Hrithik fits well reserve the international, young, vehement Magic Moments Vodka brand and the worldliness that it promises its customers.
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